Finding The Right Acne Scar Treatment for You
It is frustrating to have to deal with acne breakouts. However, what comes after can leave you feeling even more exasperated. If you do not know what we are referring to, it is acne scars. The good news is that there are many effective acne scar treatment around!
How are Acne Scars Formed?
Before you intend to treat your acne scars, it is important to know what type of acne scars they are.
Acne scars are the result of inflammation of acne blemishes. Acne blemishes that are small create scars that are shallow and heal quickly. While sometimes the contents of blemishes spill into the surrounding tissue which may cause deeper scars.
Acne scars take on two main forms. The first type is called atrophic scar. This is when a scar develops when there is a loss of tissue which results in a depression on the surface of the skin. Another type is called hypertrophic. This is when a scar develops that is raised on the surface of the skin. This happens when your skin creates too much collagen (“repair tissue”) to heal the wound.
Additionally, your skin tone can also be a factor. For example, for darker skin types, deeper skin laser treatments will not be recommended due to higher chances of scarring and pigmentation.
Different types of acne scars and your skin tone will respond differently to the distinct treatments. It is understandable that some treatments work better for particular types of acne than others.
Common Types of Acne Scars
Acne scars on the face, chest and back are very common. 80% of people between ages 11 and 30 will get acne, and one out of five of these people will develop scars. Atrophic scars are the most common on the face. There are three types of atrophic scars:
Ice Pick
This type of acne scar resembles the tool. It has a wide top and narrows to a point as it goes deeper into the skin. They are common but also one of the most challenging scars to heal. They are often found on your forehead and upper cheeks where your skin is thinner.
These scars typically have irregular edges that make the skin look uneven and wavy. They tend to be found on the lower cheeks and jaw, where your skin is thicker.
Boxcar scars have sharper edges and may be shallow or deep. These scars are common on the lower cheeks and jaw.
When it comes to hypertrophic scars, also known as keloid scars, are most frequently found on the chest and back. They can be itchy, tender, or painful.
Before you think of self-diagnosing and starting any treatment for your acne scars, it is important to be seen by a dermatologist or a healthcare professional like Gangnam Laser Clinic. Healthcare professionals can help you find the effective acne scar treatment for you.
Over-The-Counter Treatments
Finding an over-the-counter solution is always nice. Check with your dermatologist which treatment works best for your skin type and your type of scar. It can be overwhelming on your own due to the variety of treatments out there.
Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)
AHAs are one of the most common ingredients found in products made to treat acne since they help to remove dead skin and prevent clogged pores. The mild acid exfoliates the outer layer of the skin to help remove discoloration and rough skin. They can be used for all types of acne scars.
Lactic Acid
A small 2010 study found that dermatologist-performed lactic acid peels done once every two weeks for three months can improve the texture, appearance, and pigmentation of the skin and lighten acne scars. A known tip is that diluted apple cider vinegar can be used as a toner or spot treatment due to its natural lactic acid. Remember to test it on a small area as there is potential for irritation if the skin is sensitive. They can be used for all types of acne scars.
Retinoids have scar-smoothing benefits. They have the ability to speed up cell regeneration, improve your skin’s texture and reduce discolouration making your scars less noticeable. When applying retinoids, remember to wear your sunscreen as it can make your skin especially sensitive to the sun. This treatment is best for atrophic scars
Salicylic acid
This acid can clear pores, reduce swelling and redness, and exfoliates the skin when applied topically. It’s considered to be one of the best treatments for acne scars. This can be added as part of your daily routine. They are best for all types of acne scars.
In-office Treatments
There are also in-office treatments. A discussion is needed with your dermatologists to find an effective solution. Common treatments include:
Chemical peels
A treatment that removes the top layer of old skin. When this happens, the new skin that grows in tends to be smoother with fewer scars
A special tool is used to remove the top layers of skin through friction
Laser resurfacing
A laser delivers heat to the scarred collagen under the skin. This relies on the body’s wound-healing response to create new, healthy collagen. This encourages the growth of new skin to replace it
In Conclusion
We all have suffered with acne scars at one point in our lives, but there are many treatments out there that can help make them less noticeable. Though most scars are permanent, finding a good healthcare professional can help you find the right acne scar treatment.
The best way to treat an acne scar is to prevent it in the first place. As much as it is tempting, avoid picking, popping, or squeezing any breakout. This increases the risks of damaging the underlying tissue, which can lead to scars.